When parents and visitors come to Henderson Primary School they see and meet happy, friendly children in the classrooms and playground. We think this is a wonderful quality, which we cherish and seek to foster. We work hard as a school community to encourage an atmosphere of sharing and acceptance that gives each child a sense of belonging.
We believe that children’s learning improves when they are happy and they feel supported and valued. We provide a very good education that follows the New Zealand Curriculum. We have confidence in the professional ability of all our staff to deliver the programmes taught, and the rich and wide variety of curriculum that the children have access to.
We welcome your family’s participation in our school. We will always endeavour to do our best for your children. We recognise the well being and education of your children can be achieved through a close partnership between parents and teachers. Henderson Primary School values and looks forward to your support and involvement.
I invite you to visit Henderson Primary School and discuss your child’s education in their primary years.
Tumuaki Tony
Our contact details are:
Address: 11b Montel Avenue, Henderson
Phone: 838 9667
E Mail:
Office Hours
The school office is open from 8.30 am – 4.00 pm.
School Hours
Teaching Block 1 8:50am— 10:00am
First Break 10:00am— 10:15am
Teaching Block 2 10:15am— 11:25am
Second Break 11:25am— 11:40am
Teaching Block 3 11:40am— 12:50pm
Third Break 12:50pm— 1:35pm
Teaching Block 4 1:35pm— 2:45pm
Enrolling at Henderson Primary School is a simple procedure. We have enrolment forms available from the school office for parents or caregivers to fill in.
Starting School At Five
Children may start on their fifth birthday. We want the first day to be special and happy for the child and family. We like to invite your child for several morning visits to provide an opportunity for parents to meet the teacher, and help prepare children for their ‘first day’. This can be arranged through the office.
We are required to see a copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport. Please bring this with you when enrolling your child. You will also be asked for information about your family and the child’s medical history.
Why We Are Here
When you send your children to school daily, you have the right to know what our aims are, and we have the responsibility to let you know what goes on here. We try to do this by talking with you, through written and oral reports, through meetings and special occasions, through giving you chances to feel welcome and needed here.
We like to invite you here to see the children at work. We hope many of you can find the time and opportunity to help. Our aims are many, but they may be simply stated. Some are obvious. Some are important, but not so obvious.
We want children:
(a) To learn to read and write and to figure to the best of their abilities.
(b) To develop tolerance and understanding of differences, and to see good and strength in different cultures.
(c) To learn from adult models of quality.
(d) To learn about themselves as individuals, and to learn to like themselves.
(e) To learn about giving and taking through developing positive relationships with others.
(f) To develop an attitude of healthy enquiry.
(g) To meet with beauty and drama in expressive art, music and literature.
(h) To be exposed to risk-taking.
(i) To have the good in society regularly reinforced.
(j) To learn to deal with challenge and adversity in a supportive atmosphere.
(k) To learn, with pride, what it means to be a New Zealander, and to develop an awareness of aspects of our national character.
When we plan our schemes and programmes of work, we consider the make-up and needs of the Henderson Primary School community. When we work towards the aims stated above, we must make sure our concern is for the needs of each individual child. Our programmes must be free from both sexism and racism, and no child should be put down or left out.
What We Teach
All New Zealand state Primary Schools are required by law to teach the essential learning areas. These make up the school curriculum. They are:
– Language
– Mathematics
– Science
– Technology
– Social Sciences
– The Arts
– Health and Physical Education
For each subject above, there is a national curriculum document. Each school interprets each syllabus according to the needs of its pupils.
Homework: Homework, or the reinforcing of work undertaken in the classroom, is set on a regular basis. Children are encouraged to put aside time for any tasks that may be set. These could include Reading; Basic Facts (Y3-6), Tables, Spelling and Research work. If any query should arise, direct contact should be made with the classroom teacher.
Swimming: Our pool is used throughout the school day during Term 1 and in Term 4 (weather permitting). Swimming, organized games and skills development is an integral part of the school curriculum and all children are expected to participate. A signed note must be produced to exempt your child through ill health or on other medical grounds. Swimming togs are required for swimming – not shorts and/or t-shirts. Togs and towels should be named, and a plastic bag provided to put wet gear in.
At Henderson Primary School we believe that children and staff have the right to work and play in a friendly, safe and helpful environment. We aim to build self-esteem, encourage positive relationships, to teach personal behaviour awareness, to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and teach children to take ownership of their behaviour. Children deserve to be praised and given positive feedback for taking ownership for their behaviour, for respecting our school codes of conduct and for making good choices.
The school believes that discipline is a shared responsibility with parents/caregivers. It is our collective task to help lay the foundations of acceptable and desirable behaviour – to help children become aware of how to live and work together co-operatively.
Our School Behaviour Rules are simple.
At Henderson Primary School we:
· Show respect for each other.
· Care for each other and our school.
· Are friendly and use good manners.
· Play well, play fair.
All reported violence will be acted on. Follow up may involve letters or phone calls home and family meetings. Depending on the seriousness of the situation outside agencies such as SES, Youth Aid, Children & Young Persons, Counsellors, RTLB’s etc. will be contacted to assist with overcoming the problem. As a final step, children may be stood down or suspended for continual, major disruptive and inappropriate behaviour – a last resort option.
The majority of children in our school are well-behaved, respectful and polite to each other. Our expectation is that ALL children can and should behave in this manner.
Attendance & Absences
Henderson Primary School places a high value on attendance at school. Continuous absence seriously affects children’s learning. Poor attendance results in poor progress.
If your child will not be at school please make sure you let the school office know by 9.00am. If a student is absent, the school will endeavour to contact the family to find out where the student is. However, please remember that the responsibility is on the family to contact the school before 9.00am.
To let the school know your child will be absent, please fill out the report and absence on our website or use the Skool Loop app or phone the school on (09) 838 9667.
We monitor the attendance of those few children who are frequently absent or late to school. Parents are contacted when either of these becomes a problem, and we may advise the Waitakere Truancy Officer.
Address, Telephone & Emergency Numbers
Please keep us up to date with any change of telephone numbers (both home and work) and alternative emergency contact numbers. It is VERY IMPORTANT that we have a means to contact caregivers if there is an emergency or accident.
Before And After School Care (SKIDS – Safe Kids In Daily Supervision)
We are fortunate to have a before and after school care programme run by Kumash from SKIDS. This programme operates in our school hall from 7.00am-8.30am and 3.00pm–6.00pm daily. Information about the programme and costs can be obtained by contacting Kumash Shah or Edward Stevens on (09) 390 4545 or 022 447 5437. Alternatively you can email Kumash at .
Children Leaving The School Grounds
Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the day unless accompanied by an adult. When parents collect children from school please come to the office and sign the children out.
Dental Clinic
All pupils receive free dental treatment from the therapist based at school. The dental therapist is not always on site as she treats children at other Schools as well. The school newsletter advises when the therapist is at our school. When she is not here urgent matters can be attended to at one of the other clinics. The therapist also sees pre-school children from the age of two and a half years. Henderson Primary Dental Clinic is (09)838 1817.
Enquiries, Complaints And Concerns
It is natural that these will occur from time to time in any school. When they do, please share them WITH US at school, so that we can work through the problem together.
Many minor enquiries, complaints, or concerns can be dealt with quickly with the staff member concerned. Complaints and concerns are often the result of misunderstandings or communication difficulties. Matters of a more serious or more complicated nature, or which have not been resolved despite previous discussion, should be referred to the Principal and an appointment should be made.
If your child is required to take any special medication, (Ritalin, Phenergan etc) please ensure you contact the office and discuss the requirements with the school secretary and/or Principal. Asthma sufferers are asked to provide the school with a spare inhaler and clear instructions for its use. Inhalers will be kept in the medical cabinet. If your child is allergic to bee stings we must have medication for this.
Parental Involvement
We actively encourage and welcome parental involvement both inside and outside the classroom for a wide range of activities. Individual staff members will make contact with parents for classroom assistance. We value your support and help.
We do need your skills in helping staff and children. Often your skills or willingness to assist is not known. Please contact the school office or class teacher if you wish to help in any way.
Religious Instruction
Every Wednesday Religious Instruction is offered to pupils from 2 pm – 2:30 pm. It is an opt-in Christian Values Education programme called Launchpad.
School Lunches
Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunch programme provides lunches for students at Henderson Primary School. Lunches will cater for the diet, health, and cultural needs of all students.
School Parking & Delivery
We are fortunate to have use of the K Mart carpark right beside the school. Parking in the school carpark is reserved for school staff. In the interests of safety please do not use the driveway to drop off or pick up children.
The No Parking lines outside the school entrance are there for the safety of all road users. Please do not park illegally.
School Traffic Patrols
This operates 8:20 am to 8:45 am daily and after school from 3.00 pm until all walkers have crossed. We recommend that parents model road safety practices and use the crossing when picking up children from school.
Sick Children & Accidents To Children
If your child becomes unwell we will place them in the medical room. Should they not improve a telephone call will be made to the parent/emergency person requesting the child be collected and taken home. A record is kept of all accidents occurring at school. Parents/caregivers will be contacted if the injury is serious.
Stationery lists are available on the school website and at the school office.
Wearing sunhats is compulsory during Term 1 & 4 when outside at intervals or for sports.
Use Of School Grounds
Many organizations use the school grounds at various times. Please notify the school, board or Police if you notice anyone damaging or misusing our facilities.The school hall is available for community use. For further details contact the school office.